Fire Code 80 regulations exist and are implemented to help prevent fire hazards and protect us from harm. The NFPA, also known as The National Fire Prevention Association, has numerous Fire Code 80 regulations, codes, and standards to make sure everything in our daily lives is as fire-safe as it can possibly be.
NFPA and Safety: A 125-Year Legacy
For almost 125 years, members of the NFPA have been keeping the rest of us safe, and we here at Lloyd Industries are no different. Safety is our number one priority.
What is Fire Code 80?
Fire Code 80, also known as NFPA 80, is the standard for “Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives.” Used by designers and contractors alike, this standard is the general foundation of requirements when it comes to testing, installation, and inspection of fire-safe equipment.
Why is NFPA 80 important?
NFPA 80 regulates the protective measures taken to prevent smoke and fire from spreading, whether into or out of a building, through any opening. This regulation covers doors, windows, floors, and ceilings. This also includes fire dampers. These protections are vital in all buildings and structures, and this one covers almost any area a fire can get through.
Properly installed and maintained fire dampers are a critical component of fire safety systems, serving as a last line of defense to contain and suppress the spread of fire and smoke within a building. By adhering to NFPA 80 standards and ensuring your fire dampers are in optimal working condition, you’re not only meeting essential safety requirements but also significantly enhancing the protection of lives and property. Lloyd Industries is here to assist you in every aspect of fire damper compliance and installation, ensuring your compliance with Fire Code 80.
How often is NFPA 80 inspected?
According to this regulation, all assemblies must be inspected annually after initial installation by a qualified professional, and then dampers must be inspected every four years after that (except hospitals, which has a regulation of every six years). One does not require certification to perform these inspections. NFPA 80 simply states that a person “with knowledge and understanding of the operating components of the type of assembly being subject to testing” must be utilized. When inspections take place, NFPA 80 requires that everything is documented, especially in the case of fire dampers. Fire damper testing is specifically called out in NFPA 80 and must be incredibly detailed. While it is not required by the regulation, it would also prove helpful during inspection to have plans of damper locations readily available and documented as well.
What do Fire Dampers have to do with NFPA 80?
Fire dampers, like those made by us at Lloyd Industries, are installed in many types of fire barriers. Therefore, they fall under the same regulations and standards as fire doors and other openings as specified by NFPA 80. During routine inspections, it must be made sure that any and all dampers can open fully in accordance with Fire Code 80. This goes for smoke dampers as well, which are also available by Lloyd Industries. More can be found on smoke door assemblies and their regulations under NFPA 105, which is often paired with NFPA 80 when looking at fire safety regulations.
Fire Code 80 regulations ensure that fire safety is maintained to the highest standards, and Lloyd Industries is dedicated to upholding these regulations in the products we provide. Fire codes and regulations save lives multiple times a day, every single day. We at Lloyd Industries strive to make the best and safest products out there, always in alignment with Fire Code 80 standards. For 35 years, we have aimed to provide safety above all else in adherence to NFPA 80. From product info, to quote, to guiding along with installation, we are there for you every step of the way. For more information on our fire dampers and other fire protection equipment, visit us here.
For more information on our fire dampers and other fire protection equipment, visit us here and contact Lloyd Industries today to ensure your fire safety measures are up to Fire Code 80 and your property is well-protected. Your safety is our top priority, and NFPA 80 is at the heart of our commitment to fire safety.