
Preventative Maintenance and Caring for your HVAC this Winter

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Properly caring for your HVAC unit is imperative to its success and longevity. When you own a commercial space, preventative care is essential during the winter as your HVAC system works to keep an entire building warm through colder temperatures. 

What is HVAC?

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Your HVAC system is used to move air between indoor and outdoor areas while keeping you warm and cozy in the winter and feeling cool and refreshed in the summer. Your system will also help keep you healthy by keeping your indoor air clean and filtered.

Routine HVAC maintenance will keep your system running efficiently through every season! Taking proper care of your HVAC system, knowing how it operates, and knowing the signs something is wrong can alert you to an issue that needs immediate attention.

How Caring for Your HVAC Saves You Money

Taking care of your HVAC system helps it run smoothly and efficiently. But did you know that preventative maintenance saves you money? We aren’t kidding. As you continue to care for your HVAC system each month, it will pay off!

Consistently change the filters, keep the system clean, and replace any damaged parts as they are found. This will prevent your system from overworking itself when trying to keep your building warm. With lots of traffic in and out and numerous bodies working each day in the building, it’s imperative to maintain maintenance to avoid a costly repair.

5 Tips to Care for Your HVAC This Winter

Inspect your system

Check insulation

Change filters 

Test your heat

Program your thermostat 

Inspect Your System

It is essential to inspect the outdoor unit for any apparent damage that it may have. While this damage may not have affected your air conditioning in the summer months, it could be an issue in wintertime.

Outdoor HVAC units for your building are generally located on the roof, and there is usually more than one. Keep them as clear as you can, removing snow, leaves, sticks, and any branches to prevent damage to your unit.

If damage is present, it is imperative to get a quote and replace the damaged parts as soon as possible. Caring for your HVAC is crucial to keeping your system running efficiently.

Check Your Insulation

Your building’s insulation holds in the heat, so if there are colder areas in the building, research how to add to your current insulation. This will prevent significant strain on your system, which can result in costly repairs.

If you find issues with your insulation and aren’t equipped to update it, contact a professional to help assess your needs and provide a quote for improvements. Poor insulation makes the system work overtime to keep the space adequately heated, so it’s important to resolve issues as they arrive. 

Change Your Filters

Air filters are crucial to the success of your HVAC unit. Caring for your HVAC system includes replacing your air filters to avoid damage to any internal components. In addition, it is recommended you inspect your filters monthly. This prevents dirt, dust, and debris buildup. 

A dirty filter cannot successfully do its job and prevents proper airflow through your building. Many buildings have several filters on each floor. If you are changing them yourself, have a system so you don’t miss any or change them sooner than needed. We recommend replacing them at least three times a year. 

Perform a Sound Check

Chances are you have already turned on your heat for the season as the temperature continues to drop. Apart from the typical hum of your system, if you hear other noises, it’s important to address them right away. For example, louder noises can be a sign of a bad burner or other issues in need of repair. 

When caring for your HVAC unit, it is essential to know its needs and sounds so you can assess if there is an issue that needs to be taken care of. If you aren’t sure what the issue is, reach out to one of our local reps for assistance.

Program Your Thermostat


Many buildings have several thermostats on each floor. Make sure to check the temperatures you have them set on, so you aren’t heating an empty building. If your building is older, consider upgrading to a new programmable thermostat.

A programmable thermostat will allow you to heat the building at its peak utilization and keep temperatures lower when it is vacant due to holidays or weekends. This saves you money and is energy efficient. However, if thermostats aren’t in sync with each other, systems will not be as efficient as they should be, or worse, you will have simultaneous heating and cooling.

Keep Up HVAC Maintenance

We recommend scheduling HVAC maintenance twice a year, in the spring and fall. A technician will visit your building and provide complete maintenance of your HVAC system while following a detailed checklist.

While doing preventative checks and continuing to take care of your HVAC is important, a trained technician will service your system and have it running efficiently no matter the season!

What is Included in HVAC Maintenance?

Ductwork inspection and cleaning

Cleaning and debris removal

Coil cleaning

Repair or replace any components

Fire Damper check

 Inspect and Clean Your Ductwork

A technician will take time to inspect and clean your ductwork during HVAC maintenance. Your HVAC ducts should be in good condition with no gaps, damage, or disconnection throughout. Proper care of your HVAC ducts is a significant factor in their efficiency. A leak in your HVAC ducts can cause heat loss of up to 30%, costing you money and straining your equipment. 

Clean Your Outdoor Unit

Your HVAC outdoor units will be located on the roof of your building. A technician will access the roof and clear the units or debris while turning your exterior air conditioning system off. This prevents any accidental use during winter.

If applicable, they will also inspect the unit for any current damage and provide a quote for needed repairs. If only one unit needs repairs, it is important to resolve the issue right away. This prevents strain on the other units trying to pick up the slack.

Clean your Coils

Your coils can become caked in dirt and debris after being used for air conditioning all summer. This prevents proper heat flow when the colder months arrive. We recommend hiring a technician to complete this work as your building will have numerous coils.

This prevents any heating issues throughout the winter. In addition, dirty coils can cause your system to work overtime, costing you money and potentially damaging your system as it overworks to heat the building. 

Repairing or Replacing Components

During routine maintenance, a technician will check the condition of all belts and pulleys, motor operations, electrical connections, and other moving parts. If any of these aren’t working efficiently, they will provide a quote on the spot. If you accept the quote, most repairs and replacements can be completed in the same visit.

Spending money on minor replacements can be a pain, but those minor repairs and replacements you complete when caring for your HVAC system can save you a hefty bill down the line. 

Inspect Your Fire Dampers

While fire dampers do not need to be inspected during every maintenance, yearly is recommended. For motorized dampers, maintenance every two years is suggested. Please do not wait on any issues that arise, as it’s imperative to keep your dampers up to code to keep your building safe. If you are looking to purchase new fire dampers, Lloyd Industries continues to lead the industry.

How to Choose an HVAC Company You Can Trust

When hiring an HVAC company to keep your building’s systems running efficiently, choosing a company that fits your needs is imperative. There are several companies to choose from, so how do you choose the right one? We compiled this list to help you:

Available after hours

Preventative maintenance

Dedicated technicians

Trustworthy products

They Offer Emergency Service

Even if you do everything right when caring for your HVAC unit, sometimes things go wrong at the worst possible time. Choose an HVAC company that provides emergency service outside of their regular business hours. 

For example, if your unit dies and no heat is going through the building anymore on a cold night, the pipes can freeze and burst, causing you a headache and a lot of money in repairs. 

They Offer Preventative Maintenance

While one company can handle any emergencies that may arise and others can handle your routine maintenance, we recommend a company that does both. The technician will already know your system and how it works, including previous maintenance and any other issues. This makes it easier to ensure your HVAC is being properly cared for on a consistent basis.

They Have Dedicated Technicians for each Customer

Nothing is more frustrating than when a brand-new technician shows up with no knowledge of your building’s history and lacks the proper knowledge and materials to complete your maintenance. 

This may not seem like a big deal, but dedicated technicians will know your building inside and out. Not only will this allow them to complete routine maintenance faster, but they will also be equipped with the proper materials to handle any issues that may arise. If you have a specific damper or filter need, they will bring it with them, avoiding a return visit.

They Stand by the Products They Use

The cheapest isn’t always best. Caring for your HVAC system includes spending money for added peace of mind that the products being installed and maintained have a long life and are reliable. HVAC companies should be using consistent products manufactured by the same company across the board when applicable. We recommend Lloyd Industries, a commercial manufacturer in the HVAC and fire damper business. 

Who is Lloyd Industries?

Lloyd Industries has been an active manufacturer of access doors, fire and smoke dampers, and HVAC products for the past 35 years. Lloyd Industries has continued to lead the industry, providing approved fire dampers and other essential HVAC products. In addition, Lloyd Industries has committed to providing top-tier customer satisfaction from quality to price. 

What is Lloyd Industries up to now?

Lloyd Industries continues to develop new products, keeping their customers in mind! They work on major venues, including the Chrysler Building, the New York Yankees Stadium, West Point Military School, and the Philadelphia International Airport, to name a few!

Why Lloyd Industries Products

Lloyd Industries products are top-of-the-line. Geared towards commercial real estate, they continue to keep up with demand. Lloyd Industries prides itself on keeping its products up to code and offering a wide variety of sizes to suit your needs. 

If you are installing yourself, Lloyd Industries offers downloadable installation guides to walk you through each step. If you aren’t comfortable doing the installation yourself, check out our listing of local reps that can service your needs.

Lloyd Industries continues to create new products every day, staying relevant in the field!

Ordering Products from Lloyd Industries

If you have chosen Lloyd Industries as your supplier for all things HVAC and fire dampers., you can trust that we’ll ship out our quality products as soon as possible. All products are made to order, so lead times can vary.

Lloyd Industries Warranty

Lloyd Industries is committed to a positive customer experience. They continue to offer warranties on their products and on products that they do not manufacture.

“Products manufactured by Lloyd Industries are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 12 months after being installed or placed in service, but in no instance shall the period of warranty be longer than 18 months from the date of original shipment by Lloyd Industries.”

The warranty includes replacement material or repairs when applicable. When defects are found, Lloyd industries require the defective items to be returned.

Why Winter is the Perfect Time for HVAC Maintenance

If you own a building, chances are you have a local commercial HVAC company that is your go-to for any issues that may arise. While many contracts include specific units or parts, they include a preventative maintenance plan.

The Benefits of Staying on Top of Your HVAC Care

Saves money

Avoids unnecessary surprises

Creates consistency

Consistently caring for your HVAC is meant to make your life easier. When you invested in your commercial property, you invested in its success. HVAC care is included in your building’s success, keeping it running efficiently and comfortably for all who enter. Don’t underestimate how much routine HVAC care can benefit your building.

If choosing an outside company, do your research. If your building has any unique requirements, be upfront about them! Caring for your HVAC unit can feel daunting, but consistent preventative maintenance will save you money, time, and headaches.


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