
What Is a Ceiling Radiation Damper and Why Is It Essential?

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Whether you want to believe it or not, every building is at risk of experiencing a damaging fire damper. Although it may seem scary, there are a variety of active and passive fire protection products that contractors can install to help keep you and those around you safe in case of an emergency, including fire dampers. Thankfully, the team at Lloyd Industries is here to help us break down the different types of dampers and why each is important to keeping you safe. Fire dampers, in particular, play a critical role in containing and mitigating the spread of fire and smoke, enhancing the safety of occupants, and protecting property in the event of a fire.

Damper Styles

There are a variety of passive fire protection products that help protect buildings and people against smoke and flames in the event of an emergency. The most popular types are fire dampers, smoke dampers, and combination fire-smoke dampers.

  • Fire dampers: Fire dampers, like the dynamic and static styles from Lloyd Industries, help prevent flames from entering your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. HVAC systems distribute warm and cold air throughout a building to keep temperatures comfortable. Unfortunately, this ductwork also connects individual rooms, which can be a disaster if smoke and flames gain access to the ductwork. Spring-loaded dampers help close off at-risk areas by triggering the blades in the damper to shut and prevent the fire from accessing the space.
  • Smoke dampers: Like fire dampers, smoke dampers help protect people and buildings as a whole from injury and damage due to fire. Smoke can also contain toxic gasses, which can be fatal. Smoke dampers help contain smoke and gas in the area in which they originate.
  • Combination fire-smoke dampers: This style combines the technology of a smoke damper and a fire damper to protect against the spread of flames and smoke through a building’s HVAC system.

Ceiling Radiation Dampers

Unlike spring-loaded fire and smoke dampers, ceiling radiation dampers from Lloyd Industries limit the transfer of heat into attics or through openings in the ceilings and floors. Preventing the transfer of heat and flames into attic and crawlspaces is essential in limiting the amount of damage done in the event of a fire. In large buildings such as hotels, offices, hospitals, and multi-unit apartment buildings, multiple rooms typically share the attic space above. If a fire starts in one place and can break through the ceiling, it could spread almost instantaneously across a much larger area than if you could contain it.

Why Use Ceiling Radiation Dampers? 

Imagine you’re building a house. Your ceiling is a fire-resistant material. However, you need to create an opening into space below to allow your HVAC system to distribute air throughout your home. In the event of a fire, that opening can enable flames to access the area above, increasing the likelihood that there will be more damage to your home. However, when you combine a fire-resistant ceiling membrane and add ceiling radiation dampers, you can have confidence in the safety and security of your home or office.

How Do Ceiling Radiation Dampers Work? 

Experts create ceiling radiation dampers, like those from Lloyd Industries, to close when they detect heat or when a fire detection system activates. Spring-loaded fire dampers and ceiling radiation dampers shut regardless of the amount of air pressure, which is critical in the chance that the HVAC system remains on during an emergency. Although it seems counterintuitive, many hospitals and other facilities need continuous airflow to help circulate fresh air throughout spaces that are not at risk. Spring-loaded dampers consider this need and help create a solution.

Whether you’re an HVAC expert or someone newly in charge of building maintenance who wants to learn more about ceiling radiation dampers and other passive fire protection products, the team at Lloyd Industries is here to help. Check out our blog or contact us today to learn more about our variety of spring-loaded fire dampers and other products!


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