
Electrical Fires and Fire Dampers

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If your home or office has functioning electricity – which we’re assuming it does – looking to install a fire damper may be worth your while in the event of an electrical fire. Fire dampers help protect people and property from damage during a fire, including electrical fires. The experts at Lloyd Industries talk us through the threat of electrical fires and how a fire damper can help keep you, your family, or your employees safe.

  • Common sources of electrical fires
  • What is a fire damper?
  • Can a fire damper actuator fail?

An electrical fire can cause catastrophic damage to your home or office in the blink of an eye. However, there are several ways to help prevent electrical fires. The most common causes of electrical fires are faulty outlets, old appliances,  overloading electrical outlets, and using incorrect light bulbs.  

Common Sources of Electrical Fires

As buildings age, the wiring behind the electrical outlets and wall switches shows signs of wear. Wiring that connects the outlets and switches to its circuit breaker may loosen and fray. Loose cords and fraying wires connecting appliances that utilize a lot of electricity pose an increased risk of igniting a fire.

Another frequent cause of electrical fires is overloading outlets or surge protectors. Electricians design outlets to accept a certain amount of pull from electronics. If you plug your television, BluRay player, gaming system, laptop, and phone charger into the same outlet, it may create a circuit overload that puts you at risk for an electrical fire.

Lightbulbs are also a concern for creating electrical fires. Light fixtures have recommendations for a particular strength bulb, such as a 60-watt bulb in a lamp for your living room. If you use a too strong bulb for the lamp, such as a 100-watt bulb, the entire thing can go up in flames.


What is a Fire Damper? 

Preventing an electrical fire is the best first step. However, knowing how to protect yourself if a fire happens is critical to preventing as much damage as possible. Fire dampers, such as this style by Lloyd Industries, are pieces of equipment a contractor installs in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system that help prevent the spread of flames throughout a space. A fire damper creates a complete barrier between spaces by preventing a fire from accessing the HVAC system and utilizing the air ducts to spread more quickly.

A fire can trigger a damper in two ways: through an electrical charge or a heat fuse link. Heat fuse links are triggered by the presence of heat around the damper. When the link melts, the damper closes automatically. In electrical charges, the fire damper uses an actuator to ensure it closes when triggered by a smoke or fire alarm.


Can a Fire Damper Actuator Fail? 

An electrical fire damper actuator controls the movement of the damper blades or curtains. Fire damper actuators may fail to open the damper if faulty, but they should never fail to close even if defective.  As soon as the power is cut or if the internal circuitry faults, an internal spring will rotate the damper closed and hold it shut. Faulty actuators are easily detected during an inspection and can be the difference between life and death in an emergency. Scheduling your inspections on time and ensuring compliance saves lives and property.


Lloyd Industries has over 35 years of experience in the fire protection product industry. The company offers a comprehensive selection of dampers, access doors, louvers, and other HVAC products. Whether you’re an expert or starting your first HVAC business, Lloyd Industries is here to help protect what matters most.  


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